
Sustainability is the characteristic of processes that are meeting humanity's needs without harming future generations.

At Cheesecake Factory, they have implemented ways of showing that their company is taking steps to become sustainable. The company admits that they aren't 100% there yet, however they are examining their restaurants to create ways for sustained change. 

Some examples of their sustainability efforts are in their restaurant. They have installed solar thermal systems in only seven of their restaurants. The purpose of them is to reduce their energy needed to heat water by 6-7% every year. Another example is light bulbs. In all of their restaurants, they installed low wattage bulbs. It has reduced their kilowatt usage each year since. Lastly, the restaurants have changed their behaviors on their equipment. They have managed schedules for their equipment to turn on and off to reduce energy consumption. 

Waste is a huge problem for restaurants, especially for Cheesecake Factory. However, they have taken steps to help reduce their waste the best they can. Cheesecake Factory has done this by having efficient inventory management and techniques for their food preparation. They have managed their wastes through composting, recycling, designing their packaging, and donating food.

If you want to read more about Cheesecake Factory's sustainability efforts, visit this link:
